
We specialize in App Development and design validation of websites, intranet and user interfaces.

Our team of experts can conduct both qualitative and quantitative testing of your design.


App Development

We watch and listen to how your customers use your website, mobile devices, intranet or prototypes.  Our app developer experts facilitate sessions to give you insights for design improvements.

On the quantitative site, we do task analysis, tracking  task completion and time taken for bench marking and process improvement.

Expert Design Review

Our App Developer Experts , evaluate your interface design against international best practices to provide you with a prioritized list of actionable changes you can use to improve your user experience.

Information Architecture Analysis

Our team of usability consultant will conduct card sorting or tree path analysis to work with your team to develop and optimize navigation structure that is data backed.

UX Strategy Guidance & Planning

We work with senior management to develop UX strategies and organization improvements that result in sustainable value creation.

UX Training

We provide customized training in UX and digital strategy to build unified understanding across a multidisciplinary team. We can also help you kickstart internal UX initiatives.


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